Thursday, October 05, 2006

5th October 2006, A simple life or an extrodinary life?? thats a decision I had to made. It is still about student Ambassador. If i chosse to lead a simple life now, it would be not so much commitment to SA, if I choose an extrodinary life, then I would be into SA spreading the name of Republic Poly. But Zero was right when I went to the principal dialodge. Why am I so uneasy when I come to Student Ambassadors?? Why?? Isit because I don't feel right to be there, or lack of confidence? tired? or what? to be honest, I am tired of event being clashed together. I choose BC out of everything, not just because I got a hand in there, but because I felt that they had train me alot interms of enterprising skills. This is something I couldn't learn from student Ambassador. But deep in me, I don't feel like going off SA, as I have friends like, Rudy, Raj, Zero, Edmund, Ronald, Chun Long all this who are nice people; but I just feel that the working style and the requirement doesn't met me. What should I do??

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