Sunday, May 06, 2007

6th May 2007, beautiful sunday with a very indecisive mind. Suppose to go jogging together with my brother, but was seriously so tired and jelly that I call it off.A temporary new blogskin while I brainstorm for a design for my personal blogskin.Now, you better be prepared, cause it is going to be a long entry today...

Now, will May be a good month for me?? That really questions, but what doesn't is that May will be a birthday month for most taurians. Some fact files about Taurus...
Taurus, in latin means Bull. This White Bull in mythlogy was said to be sent by Zeus to bring Helena to him. In simple words, Taurus is a messenger of Zeus.
According to myth, Taurus was actually later being killed by Hecules or was it Orion the Great hunter?(P/M: sorry can't remember who killed that bull) . We won't get to see Taurus in a dark clear sky in Singapore today since the sun is in the direction of that constellation, but Taurus is a best known winter constellation thus you might get a chance to see this horoscope over your sky around Novemeber to January? (That's what I want to see anyway) So far, I had get to see Virgo, Cancer and part of Orion over the night skies.

It was believe Taurians are patient yet hot tempered, hardworking, calm and practical. I guess it somehow true to me at times, which makes me a real taurian!! (haha)Anyway I have some cadets from SJAB commenting that I look like a bull when I am angry with that red face and heavy breaths~~ (laughz).

Well, besides the craps up there; I am suppose to tell you guys a miracle today. Just before this entry I was complaining that I just couldn't get an A for Java. Take a look at the screen shot below and understand my shock~!
Anyway, C108 is the module which I do Java, see that problem 3-A. Exactly the problem I did after I complain.. HAHA what a irony... It is seriously a shock for me but explosion of happiness, since it is the first A that I got for that module. Well just for your information, I won't stop here and will be still working hard for more of it. What's sad is, my monday blues cost me the first B in C121, haiz... But I will work hard alright, for I am a great student!! the test below will varify that(heex)

You Are a Great Student

You aren't afraid to crack the books when you need to, and you make your education a true priority.
You could become a PhD in anything, if you set your mind to it. There's no limit to what you can learn!
Are You a Good Student?
Anyway, I did a questionaire which test how mature I am emotionally...( er.. Just ignore the picture on the result slip, I don't look like that definately ....)
You Are 74% Grown Up, 26% Kid

Congratulations, you are definitely quite emotionally mature.
Although you have your moments of moodiness, you're usually stable and level headed.
Well, just the questionaire which I kill my boredom at home as I slack.... Whether it is true or not, up to you to decide =)

Continuing with the entry, for last friday... It was JR birthday!!! Don't have his personal pics, so guess will not post his pics here. Had dinner at pastamania and a small cake cutting session over at saffra. Then we had a dat game which I won with a perfect game points(eyes like an eagle) before a bowlling session which I keep lame-ing haha.. That's all for that day I believe...

For tomorrow, it will be somehow just another week of studying in school.... Really have to discipline myself to go further. Can't afford to slow down or even stop now, it is a rough journey ahead... Lots to accomplish...

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