Thursday, June 29, 2006

mood: almost insane....

He shouted in pain and He shouted to push himself, He breaks down as he is exhausted today... No-no, i am not a gay, the he is me today. Thats me when I attended Judo. Rendori was quite a torture today, it is a tough fight. Furthermore, i came to Judo with a halfly exhausted body.. first round redori, I met up H.K.; quite a tough guy. Was being thrown head first by him, went to a short concussion, but was pushing myself to continue.. Had lost balance here, but the instructor's yelling push me on..Second round was Kelvin, lost my focus here, almost gone hilarious, exhausted too as it is a continual thingy from round one. Leastly was Shao Peang, thats where I got hilarious and was pushing myself with all my remaining mights to push him down, but thrown by him, and was physically broken down then. Rested for a few minutes and push myself up to go on the next Rendori, almost pinned down a greenbelt but was not fast and strong enough,got choked in the end.. Next was Joe, he pinned me down, I shouted in attempt to break free, Lastly Found Sam, Pinned him down once, and he pinned me last.... thats all today, A tough bloody Judo Rendori...

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