30 December 2006, just one day left and 2006 is over.
Woke up early in the morning 9 am to make call to acer regarding my laptop. He told me to bring my laptop down to the servic center over in Jurong. Initially I was thinking it will be a real rush to there. Furthermore, I am not sure of where is the service center. Jurong, yes it is in Jurong, but which part of Jurong? But come to think about the consequences if I don't bring it down to service today, I will have to wait for another 3 days with a faulty laptop to be fixed and I won't be free then. No choice, I made my way down to Jurong. My parents forbid me taking taxi, for they think it is a HUGE expense, so I have to rush down by MRT and I know I have not enough time for it but I just blindly rush my way down to Jurong; and that was 10a.m. 2 hours before the service center is closed. Half way through the journey, my dad called me and ask me to take a taxi down, so I did, I took a taxi from Bedok to Jurong and I reach there at 1030. Goodness sake, just when I most need a taxi, none was there for me. Finally one came, and he told me that he was unsur of where Acer building is. I told him it was somewhere around Jurng IMM, so he brought me there. The fee was $15.00 exactly. Another big problem just come, I came to notice, it is not just around IMM but one street down IMM then it is Acer building. Fortunately, my uncle who stayed in Jurong brought me to the Acer building.
When I met the service personel, it was already 1130 and another thing just make me completely puzzled. I told the service personel that I encounter a long beep sound when I switch on my laptop and I couldn't even start the window. He look at me, he pressed the power switch. Ironically my laptop obediently switch on without any fault. =_=''' He advised me to leave my laptop with them for a further check on what is the problem. I agreed, anyway I have no choice, if I don't get it settled by today I will have no laptops with me for one week of the school term. After which I left the building, that was just nice 12 noon and the service center is closed.
When I reach home, I got a continued nagging and repremand from my parent. First was about my laptop, they blame me for the fault of my laptop. Come on, do I look as if I delibrately fault my laptop and find this nonsense for myself? The laptop is down and I have much more problems to face upon that, give me a break! Second was about the taxi, I was scolded for taking taxi from Bedok which is much more expensive than for me to take the taxi from Bugis or Clementi instead. OMG, where is the sense of time urgency? If I continue to take the MRT to clementi or Bugis, I will waste 30mins of the trip, plus the time for me to search for a taxi in bugis or clementi, if I ever reach there for what I take a taxi I am nearing Jurong already.It will be a real wastage if I do that, not just that I will not be able to make it on time before the service center is down. Then the nagging and reprimands continues and continues, obitting on one issue; MONEY. There is a saying in chinese, "qian bu shi wan neng de" which means money isn't everything; for that I will never find it within my family. Money somehow had become the first priority for my parent.
I can't even show any sign of displeasure when I come to this money issue in my family. I can't blame my father because he forbid me from taking taxi, limiting my pocket money and how much I spent each month and stuff like this, since he belongs to a low income profession. Neither can I blame my aunt who stayed here and live dependant on my father, and neither can I blame my grandmother for giving pressure my father about money. They love money so much, but they handle in such a way that life is so difficult but yet simple for them and for me.Till now, I am still standing firm on the claim that I made during the my O'level english oral where the topic is " do thing money is an angelic or a devilish thing", I chose devilish and now you see what I mean after this entry.Back to topic, I can't blame them but to only blame myself for having a different mind set about handling my own money and my spending habits.
My philosophy and logic about spending is very simple. I spend my money when I need to and want to if there is enough. I put principles and happiness infront of this god damn thing money and that is the main difference between my parents and myself.
My mother wants me to study to get a high qualification and get a good job. When I found a new target when I enter polytechnic and that was to get into university and get my degree before I come out to work, I told my mum about my future plan. She was supportive at first but soon got very angry with me when I told her about the school fees. Just because the school fees is in 5 degees with a comma in between the second and the third degee and for goodness sake they don't even allow me to apply loan if I want to further study.They told me to work hard in NS and get a job in army and let them pay my school fees. For what the army wants a person who is going to study business? Are they so going to make me market M16 rifles and M203 grenade launchers after I further studies about business.. Argh.. I want to excel in my life, I want to get a high qualification as high as possible; but it seems to me the biggest barrier is money and my own parents....
I think that is enough of moaning and groaning, it protrait a even childish and stubborn side of me. Right now, I have to solve the problem of not having a laptop for school, how am I going to do my research for the workshop materials, how am I going to finish my daily assignment and how am i going to trace back all my work in the laptop. My new year had been spoiled and I does not want spoil it furthermore. I am so unable to join my buddies for a K-Box session tomorrow since my parent will be raging at me agian if I do so but I am going to forget everything and enjoy my countdown with them tomorrow. And I swear, I will find a way to condemn my bull like temper and I swear I will not be lazy anymore. Enough of troubles this year....
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