30 December 2006, just one day left and 2006 is over.
Woke up early in the morning 9 am to make call to acer regarding my laptop. He told me to bring my laptop down to the servic center over in Jurong. Initially I was thinking it will be a real rush to there. Furthermore, I am not sure of where is the service center. Jurong, yes it is in Jurong, but which part of Jurong? But come to think about the consequences if I don't bring it down to service today, I will have to wait for another 3 days with a faulty laptop to be fixed and I won't be free then. No choice, I made my way down to Jurong. My parents forbid me taking taxi, for they think it is a HUGE expense, so I have to rush down by MRT and I know I have not enough time for it but I just blindly rush my way down to Jurong; and that was 10a.m. 2 hours before the service center is closed. Half way through the journey, my dad called me and ask me to take a taxi down, so I did, I took a taxi from Bedok to Jurong and I reach there at 1030. Goodness sake, just when I most need a taxi, none was there for me. Finally one came, and he told me that he was unsur of where Acer building is. I told him it was somewhere around Jurng IMM, so he brought me there. The fee was $15.00 exactly. Another big problem just come, I came to notice, it is not just around IMM but one street down IMM then it is Acer building. Fortunately, my uncle who stayed in Jurong brought me to the Acer building.
When I met the service personel, it was already 1130 and another thing just make me completely puzzled. I told the service personel that I encounter a long beep sound when I switch on my laptop and I couldn't even start the window. He look at me, he pressed the power switch. Ironically my laptop obediently switch on without any fault. =_=''' He advised me to leave my laptop with them for a further check on what is the problem. I agreed, anyway I have no choice, if I don't get it settled by today I will have no laptops with me for one week of the school term. After which I left the building, that was just nice 12 noon and the service center is closed.
When I reach home, I got a continued nagging and repremand from my parent. First was about my laptop, they blame me for the fault of my laptop. Come on, do I look as if I delibrately fault my laptop and find this nonsense for myself? The laptop is down and I have much more problems to face upon that, give me a break! Second was about the taxi, I was scolded for taking taxi from Bedok which is much more expensive than for me to take the taxi from Bugis or Clementi instead. OMG, where is the sense of time urgency? If I continue to take the MRT to clementi or Bugis, I will waste 30mins of the trip, plus the time for me to search for a taxi in bugis or clementi, if I ever reach there for what I take a taxi I am nearing Jurong already.It will be a real wastage if I do that, not just that I will not be able to make it on time before the service center is down. Then the nagging and reprimands continues and continues, obitting on one issue; MONEY. There is a saying in chinese, "qian bu shi wan neng de" which means money isn't everything; for that I will never find it within my family. Money somehow had become the first priority for my parent.
I can't even show any sign of displeasure when I come to this money issue in my family. I can't blame my father because he forbid me from taking taxi, limiting my pocket money and how much I spent each month and stuff like this, since he belongs to a low income profession. Neither can I blame my aunt who stayed here and live dependant on my father, and neither can I blame my grandmother for giving pressure my father about money. They love money so much, but they handle in such a way that life is so difficult but yet simple for them and for me.Till now, I am still standing firm on the claim that I made during the my O'level english oral where the topic is " do thing money is an angelic or a devilish thing", I chose devilish and now you see what I mean after this entry.Back to topic, I can't blame them but to only blame myself for having a different mind set about handling my own money and my spending habits.
My philosophy and logic about spending is very simple. I spend my money when I need to and want to if there is enough. I put principles and happiness infront of this god damn thing money and that is the main difference between my parents and myself.
My mother wants me to study to get a high qualification and get a good job. When I found a new target when I enter polytechnic and that was to get into university and get my degree before I come out to work, I told my mum about my future plan. She was supportive at first but soon got very angry with me when I told her about the school fees. Just because the school fees is in 5 degees with a comma in between the second and the third degee and for goodness sake they don't even allow me to apply loan if I want to further study.They told me to work hard in NS and get a job in army and let them pay my school fees. For what the army wants a person who is going to study business? Are they so going to make me market M16 rifles and M203 grenade launchers after I further studies about business.. Argh.. I want to excel in my life, I want to get a high qualification as high as possible; but it seems to me the biggest barrier is money and my own parents....
I think that is enough of moaning and groaning, it protrait a even childish and stubborn side of me. Right now, I have to solve the problem of not having a laptop for school, how am I going to do my research for the workshop materials, how am I going to finish my daily assignment and how am i going to trace back all my work in the laptop. My new year had been spoiled and I does not want spoil it furthermore. I am so unable to join my buddies for a K-Box session tomorrow since my parent will be raging at me agian if I do so but I am going to forget everything and enjoy my countdown with them tomorrow. And I swear, I will find a way to condemn my bull like temper and I swear I will not be lazy anymore. Enough of troubles this year....
Saturday, December 30, 2006
30 December 2006 Friday, just back from the usual outing of N~Zire. Its pretty a long time since I last blog, raftly 6 days? Actually, there is quite alot to blog for the past 6 days. My mind had always been with this blog, thinking of what to put up here.
Once in a year, we celebrate the birth of jesus during the christmas day. I am not a christian, but this day 25 december had become a festival celebrated by almost everyone in this world regardless of race or religion. I am not extempted from this either.
24 december 2006, went to count down with Jing Ren, Nigel, Nicklaus and Shawn. Nothing much, it seems like some of us are not in the right mood to celebrate christmas. Had a few pool and foosball action over at e-zone before we move our butts to Orchard road. Along the way, we were chatting while some part of the journey with a complete silent and Shawn reading his "the imperial spy". The only joke is when we were discussing about Shawn's sudden intrest in reading. Ha~~ sorry brother, it is really something worth to find out. Its a real hard time trying to squeeze through the crowd over at Orchard Road, and my mood was pretty spoilt by then. We spent our next few hours before the clock struck 12, walking around Orchard Road, spraying frost and strings. It was quite an enjoyment, running around spraying and shout"merry christmas". We didn't heard the count down, cause we can't hear it; thus as the crowd roar... we just dim its already christmas and head to simei to meet Honsonn. We prepared a present for Honsonn that night, at the very moment when he stepped infront of us, we spray the last can of frost at him. Haha~~, he is very "on" as in he didn't really come chasing us around like a bull. After which, all of us stayed at a nearby coffeeshop and moan.. WHY moan?? because it is a boring christmas when we are all bachelors.....
The very next day, Christmas!!! It was Shawn's Birthday, and you guess it he is the christmas boy in our group.We decided to catch a movie, "curse of the golden flower"; before we all head to his house to celebrate his birthday. The movie was quite nice, nice effects nice story and whatever nice things you name. And I am alittle puzzled with N~ZiRe recent new hobby, foosball... We just keep playing it. Celebrated Shawn birthday at his warmth home and had a fantastic dinner there. Whole lot of us went down to the playground at the late, so as to play flour. But our good buddy Jing Ren ran away because we all want to make him all white that night. Had a search party to search him down, we were unable to so because we had little information about his whereabout. We called him to have some restriction of area if he wants to play hide and seek. The rule is simple, no second floor, just the ground level... In the end, he hid in shawn house -_-'''. Nevermind.. its ok.. we are fine with it. Then right after that, it was home sweet home.
26 December 2006, it was post christmas and also 2nd anniversary of the big disaster Tsunami on the south east asia. I was still a secondary 3 boy at then. But life continues despite the tragedy 2 years ago, N~ZiRe went to bowling for that particular day. My mood was still as shacked as it is for the past 2 days of christmas celebration. My bowling skills are as usual, not constant, my first game sucks to the core, the second was very good, strike and spare like no one business and the last one it was back to sucks again. But I am not particularly affected by that, anyway my dream is not be a bowler. I was suppose to join my class for a BBQ night, but I got the time wrong; my fault or the person who told me the time 's fault??? Fine whatever, in the end I did not join my classmates and head home and bury myself down for an emo. night.
And that is what I had for christmas, fun surrounds me but i just can't grasped them. Just wonder what is happening to me for the past three days.
After christmas
27-28 december 2006 I did almost nothing but staying at home. Playing games and also trying to boost my mood again. And 2 days just pass in a blink of an eye.
A series of super unfortunate events
Somehow I believe I can start to contact hollywood regarding a new movie to be screen dipicting me as the male lead. And the movie can rightfully be tittled as "A series of super unfortunate events"
I don't know what is nailed in my fate, and I always believe I could change it if it is bad cause my actions means everything. I pray to my god almost daily when I left my house for some work. I lead almost a normal life, almost normal but it became extrodinary when I face a series of real suay events this year. Let be share with you from the start of year 2006, as much as I could remember.
January: Retreive O'level results with a shocking result for English, D7. An obvious slide in result, sorry make it TOO OBVIOUS! Prelim Enlish B4, O'level English D7. WTF....
February: Entered Republic Polytechnic unexpectedly. Others who choose RP as first choice got into my favourite poly at that time TP. I put RP behind, I GOT IT! anyway this prove nothing as life is still stable for me in RP.
March: I don't remember any "suay" events here
April: First day of school, miss 3 buses and was almost late. Squeeze with some idiots who refuse to move to the rear of the bus. That is so vivid in my mind.
May: Met some idiots from my SIT camp who are so childish and attempted to bully me. A fold in my pants means I am horny.. Super CHILDISH and for goodness sake the person who started it was a year 2 lady. What a slut and those who followed after that was even lamer! they are dragon in groups, but cowards alone.come on man, a little message to those guys, HEY GROW UP!
June: After an almost one whole year of check up due to some doctors who suspect I have back proble, they told me it was not my back but the problem with my legs. The "good" doctor scare me by saying "its very obvious that your legs are not in equal length which might make you not able to jump or even run properly, this is very serious that I might write an letter to execuse you for army." my immediate reply was " MR DOCTOR, I got 4 points for my standing board jump, I was once a high jumper in my primary school and also an athelte when I was primary 6. If that is not enough, I am telling you my Fitness test is always Gold or Sliver." He was pissed obviously but ordered me to take an x-ray of almost MY WHOLE BODY. The x-ray cost my parents $200, and the next checkup when another doctor screened me told me, "wah, why are you screening so many x-rays. There is not much problem with your legs, its just 2.5 cm shorter, and it is not really a matter and you can still go to the army if you love it. " WTF, doctors nowadays!!!! For 6 months I felt so demoralised that I am not able to serve my NS in the combat specialist side.
August: Was doing rolling break falls during my judo training. Suddenly I lost balance for no reason and sprain all my toes on my right leg. HAPPY! =(
And not to forget, Knocked on a bamboo stick while listening to MP3. WTF
September-Buffering sounds was heard from my laptop, before I could even thought of anything, the acer engineers reformated my com and it is for goodness sake one day before school reopen. First day of the new semester, already I am busy with 2 things. Third meeting presentation and also to monitor what the person over the IT helpdesk is doing to my laptop...
October:Got Rashes after using a suntent lotion which I had used for almost 2 times before without anything. But just the last use cause this stupid rashes. In the end, I missed alot of Judo lessons
November: nothing much....
I am going to make this long!!! because It just happen recently.
A few months ago, my laptop was reformated one day before school starts. A few months later, I received an early present for new year and late present for christmas. MY LAPTOP JUST CRASH!!!! I am so fucking angry right now as I put in this entry in the middle of the night. You might think that it is common for laptop to crash, but this time my laptop really make the timing right. Just when I am about to do my project after knowing that my seniors are already begining not happy with my project. AND MY PROPOSAL is in there. So, if the lappy really crash, I am doom for sure. Tomorrrow, Acer will be closed by 1, so I have to make a call to them early in the morning. Worse, its saturday tomorrow, and they will only make up for me the next working day. which means next wednesday since tuesday and monday are public holiday. TO make things even suay and worse, I have a Understanding test next wednesday. Without my laptop, IT IS REALLY DAI JI DUA DIAO!!Thanks to the UT rule stating students are to be responsible to maintain his/her laptop before a UT. Students without a laptop during the UT will be doing the UT on a paper with no other reference. These means that I die got to study fully for the next UT....
WAH~~~~ super angry, feel like killing and slaughter anything that comes in my way. I HAD NEVER BEEN SO SUAY!!!
Somehow I am stressed...
ya, some how i am stressed with something which I am not sure of. For this whole entire month, I am so tired of everything that is around me and somehow struggling to survive. It seems like my confidence level is dropping, real real fast and I am coping with it. Have sleepless night almost every night. haiz.. I wonder what happen to me.. Fortunately this is diminishing after christmas, hope it continues and never come back.
But anyway, thanks Xue Ning my senior in BUsiness Climate handling the workshop team with me for encouraging me, I won't let the whole thing down.....
Endless rain and earthquake in Taiwan
Climate changing in this sick sick earth. Human activities caused all this shit I suppose. Since the day of N~ZiRe Chalet till yesterday, it had been showering around the island. It stopped for sometimes but came back soon. This caused some areas in Singapore to be flooded and also some land slides on slopes. It also make life so difficult for some of us. Then came the earth quake 3 days back in southern taiwan which damaged the under water cables and seriously slowed down the connection speed of internet around Asia. WTF is wrong with this world...... Are we so in the dying generation??
Alright, these blog is getting too long, got to stop right here. I will be back if I have something to tell this world about my life. For now, I will relax as I do my project without my lappy and enjoy my next few days of holiday.
THought of the day: If there is a will, there is a way
Once in a year, we celebrate the birth of jesus during the christmas day. I am not a christian, but this day 25 december had become a festival celebrated by almost everyone in this world regardless of race or religion. I am not extempted from this either.
24 december 2006, went to count down with Jing Ren, Nigel, Nicklaus and Shawn. Nothing much, it seems like some of us are not in the right mood to celebrate christmas. Had a few pool and foosball action over at e-zone before we move our butts to Orchard road. Along the way, we were chatting while some part of the journey with a complete silent and Shawn reading his "the imperial spy". The only joke is when we were discussing about Shawn's sudden intrest in reading. Ha~~ sorry brother, it is really something worth to find out. Its a real hard time trying to squeeze through the crowd over at Orchard Road, and my mood was pretty spoilt by then. We spent our next few hours before the clock struck 12, walking around Orchard Road, spraying frost and strings. It was quite an enjoyment, running around spraying and shout"merry christmas". We didn't heard the count down, cause we can't hear it; thus as the crowd roar... we just dim its already christmas and head to simei to meet Honsonn. We prepared a present for Honsonn that night, at the very moment when he stepped infront of us, we spray the last can of frost at him. Haha~~, he is very "on" as in he didn't really come chasing us around like a bull. After which, all of us stayed at a nearby coffeeshop and moan.. WHY moan?? because it is a boring christmas when we are all bachelors.....
The very next day, Christmas!!! It was Shawn's Birthday, and you guess it he is the christmas boy in our group.We decided to catch a movie, "curse of the golden flower"; before we all head to his house to celebrate his birthday. The movie was quite nice, nice effects nice story and whatever nice things you name. And I am alittle puzzled with N~ZiRe recent new hobby, foosball... We just keep playing it. Celebrated Shawn birthday at his warmth home and had a fantastic dinner there. Whole lot of us went down to the playground at the late, so as to play flour. But our good buddy Jing Ren ran away because we all want to make him all white that night. Had a search party to search him down, we were unable to so because we had little information about his whereabout. We called him to have some restriction of area if he wants to play hide and seek. The rule is simple, no second floor, just the ground level... In the end, he hid in shawn house -_-'''. Nevermind.. its ok.. we are fine with it. Then right after that, it was home sweet home.
26 December 2006, it was post christmas and also 2nd anniversary of the big disaster Tsunami on the south east asia. I was still a secondary 3 boy at then. But life continues despite the tragedy 2 years ago, N~ZiRe went to bowling for that particular day. My mood was still as shacked as it is for the past 2 days of christmas celebration. My bowling skills are as usual, not constant, my first game sucks to the core, the second was very good, strike and spare like no one business and the last one it was back to sucks again. But I am not particularly affected by that, anyway my dream is not be a bowler. I was suppose to join my class for a BBQ night, but I got the time wrong; my fault or the person who told me the time 's fault??? Fine whatever, in the end I did not join my classmates and head home and bury myself down for an emo. night.
And that is what I had for christmas, fun surrounds me but i just can't grasped them. Just wonder what is happening to me for the past three days.
After christmas
27-28 december 2006 I did almost nothing but staying at home. Playing games and also trying to boost my mood again. And 2 days just pass in a blink of an eye.
A series of super unfortunate events
Somehow I believe I can start to contact hollywood regarding a new movie to be screen dipicting me as the male lead. And the movie can rightfully be tittled as "A series of super unfortunate events"
I don't know what is nailed in my fate, and I always believe I could change it if it is bad cause my actions means everything. I pray to my god almost daily when I left my house for some work. I lead almost a normal life, almost normal but it became extrodinary when I face a series of real suay events this year. Let be share with you from the start of year 2006, as much as I could remember.
January: Retreive O'level results with a shocking result for English, D7. An obvious slide in result, sorry make it TOO OBVIOUS! Prelim Enlish B4, O'level English D7. WTF....
February: Entered Republic Polytechnic unexpectedly. Others who choose RP as first choice got into my favourite poly at that time TP. I put RP behind, I GOT IT! anyway this prove nothing as life is still stable for me in RP.
March: I don't remember any "suay" events here
April: First day of school, miss 3 buses and was almost late. Squeeze with some idiots who refuse to move to the rear of the bus. That is so vivid in my mind.
May: Met some idiots from my SIT camp who are so childish and attempted to bully me. A fold in my pants means I am horny.. Super CHILDISH and for goodness sake the person who started it was a year 2 lady. What a slut and those who followed after that was even lamer! they are dragon in groups, but cowards alone.come on man, a little message to those guys, HEY GROW UP!
June: After an almost one whole year of check up due to some doctors who suspect I have back proble, they told me it was not my back but the problem with my legs. The "good" doctor scare me by saying "its very obvious that your legs are not in equal length which might make you not able to jump or even run properly, this is very serious that I might write an letter to execuse you for army." my immediate reply was " MR DOCTOR, I got 4 points for my standing board jump, I was once a high jumper in my primary school and also an athelte when I was primary 6. If that is not enough, I am telling you my Fitness test is always Gold or Sliver." He was pissed obviously but ordered me to take an x-ray of almost MY WHOLE BODY. The x-ray cost my parents $200, and the next checkup when another doctor screened me told me, "wah, why are you screening so many x-rays. There is not much problem with your legs, its just 2.5 cm shorter, and it is not really a matter and you can still go to the army if you love it. " WTF, doctors nowadays!!!! For 6 months I felt so demoralised that I am not able to serve my NS in the combat specialist side.
August: Was doing rolling break falls during my judo training. Suddenly I lost balance for no reason and sprain all my toes on my right leg. HAPPY! =(
And not to forget, Knocked on a bamboo stick while listening to MP3. WTF
September-Buffering sounds was heard from my laptop, before I could even thought of anything, the acer engineers reformated my com and it is for goodness sake one day before school reopen. First day of the new semester, already I am busy with 2 things. Third meeting presentation and also to monitor what the person over the IT helpdesk is doing to my laptop...
October:Got Rashes after using a suntent lotion which I had used for almost 2 times before without anything. But just the last use cause this stupid rashes. In the end, I missed alot of Judo lessons
November: nothing much....
I am going to make this long!!! because It just happen recently.
A few months ago, my laptop was reformated one day before school starts. A few months later, I received an early present for new year and late present for christmas. MY LAPTOP JUST CRASH!!!! I am so fucking angry right now as I put in this entry in the middle of the night. You might think that it is common for laptop to crash, but this time my laptop really make the timing right. Just when I am about to do my project after knowing that my seniors are already begining not happy with my project. AND MY PROPOSAL is in there. So, if the lappy really crash, I am doom for sure. Tomorrrow, Acer will be closed by 1, so I have to make a call to them early in the morning. Worse, its saturday tomorrow, and they will only make up for me the next working day. which means next wednesday since tuesday and monday are public holiday. TO make things even suay and worse, I have a Understanding test next wednesday. Without my laptop, IT IS REALLY DAI JI DUA DIAO!!Thanks to the UT rule stating students are to be responsible to maintain his/her laptop before a UT. Students without a laptop during the UT will be doing the UT on a paper with no other reference. These means that I die got to study fully for the next UT....
WAH~~~~ super angry, feel like killing and slaughter anything that comes in my way. I HAD NEVER BEEN SO SUAY!!!
Somehow I am stressed...
ya, some how i am stressed with something which I am not sure of. For this whole entire month, I am so tired of everything that is around me and somehow struggling to survive. It seems like my confidence level is dropping, real real fast and I am coping with it. Have sleepless night almost every night. haiz.. I wonder what happen to me.. Fortunately this is diminishing after christmas, hope it continues and never come back.
But anyway, thanks Xue Ning my senior in BUsiness Climate handling the workshop team with me for encouraging me, I won't let the whole thing down.....
Endless rain and earthquake in Taiwan
Climate changing in this sick sick earth. Human activities caused all this shit I suppose. Since the day of N~ZiRe Chalet till yesterday, it had been showering around the island. It stopped for sometimes but came back soon. This caused some areas in Singapore to be flooded and also some land slides on slopes. It also make life so difficult for some of us. Then came the earth quake 3 days back in southern taiwan which damaged the under water cables and seriously slowed down the connection speed of internet around Asia. WTF is wrong with this world...... Are we so in the dying generation??
Alright, these blog is getting too long, got to stop right here. I will be back if I have something to tell this world about my life. For now, I will relax as I do my project without my lappy and enjoy my next few days of holiday.
THought of the day: If there is a will, there is a way
Sunday, December 24, 2006
24th December 2006, reaching the very end of 2006. Is it too soon??
Just that thursday, I came back from N~ZiRe Chalet 2006. It was pretty fun except the days when it is normally rainy. The Chalet is over, the bond of this big family thus also strengthened in a way, as we all stayed under one roof for 4 days 3 night. The fun there is where beyond words can describe, so then I won't be writing a novel here; Take a look at the pictures I took in the chalet, mostly the first day, the next few days was alittle too busy to take out my camera.

A personal message for everone in N~ZiRe:
Honsonn: Hey brother, thanks for making this chalet possible, you are a great leader indeed, no doubt. Nevertheless you are a very great brother I had too, thanks for all the chit chat moments and stuff like that.
Jing Ren: Haha~~ sorry brother for tricking you and make you drunk during the BBQ night. Anyway, its a very fun chalet with you around, and I have to make this loud and clear!
Shawn: Yo man, thanks for teaching me how to play the Qing Tian and Qi Li Xiang, though I had not really master it but I will still thank you from the deepest of my heart. Anyway, its fun to have you around in the chalet and also as my brother.
Nigel: How do you enjoy the royal rumble my brother? Haha~~ thanks for the BBQ food and all the breakfast and dinners you had prepared for us. really appreciate everything you had done for the chalet.
Derrick: YO brother, you had changed, this year you are more on and more steady. KEEP IT UP~~ brothers forever
Yi Qi: yeah shi mu, I do feels great to have you at the chalet. Thanks for making me your wife during the disco night.. wah.. argh.. nevermind.. haha. take care, hope to see you more...
Sueh Li: yo yo renes, you clubbed do yo?? haha~~ you dance real well, hope one day we all can go to club togethe, provided we got the cash..HAHA.. sorry pratical me. Anyway, you take care and if there is any problem, do come and find us, cause you are our sister and we are your brothers and sisters, your problem will be lawfully our problem ;)
Ferlyn: hey potential star, my N~Zire Sister. Thanks for the games you and nicklaus had prepared for us, it was fun. And don't take it by heart when i immitate you, HAHA~~ " AIYORR" take care....
Nicklaus: hey, Nigel's brother. You are more than meets the eye to me, initially thought you are someone who takes a long time to click with us, but who knows you are so hyper active in the chalet. Welcome Nicklaus to N~ZiRe, your presence will ensure the forever happiness in N~ZiRe. And last but not least, thanks for the game you and Ferlyn had prepared for us, its was real fun.
Overall, I feel great at the chalet
That was the fun holiday i had. Back from chalet, I am already dead meat. Friday, all the brothers went out again to have dinner and torn at shawn house to watch movie. Thanks to Shawn, some people thought we are gays. The scene goes like this....( not exact, base on memory)
We entered the lift and another guy came it
Shao Cheng: Which floor??
The guy press himself and smile to us.
Honsonn: hey later cannot sleep lea, sleep liao we how?
Shawn: Nevermind la, you all can sleep in my room at 3am ma.
Then that stupid guy turn around, turn back and laugh to himself..
What the hell, a few guys together means gay ar? we are all man, more man than you think we are.. lolz...
Anyway, they were all talking about their love life, we are all a bunch of poor bachelor, hoping to find a new girlfriend. Haiz.. actually i am against the odd, and I don't know why..
I guess I got to stop here, its getting late. .will be back soon.
Just that thursday, I came back from N~ZiRe Chalet 2006. It was pretty fun except the days when it is normally rainy. The Chalet is over, the bond of this big family thus also strengthened in a way, as we all stayed under one roof for 4 days 3 night. The fun there is where beyond words can describe, so then I won't be writing a novel here; Take a look at the pictures I took in the chalet, mostly the first day, the next few days was alittle too busy to take out my camera.
The front of our Chalet, anyone it is just one of the units
oh, these are the two new member , from left " Ferlyn and Nicklaus"
A personal message for everone in N~ZiRe:
Honsonn: Hey brother, thanks for making this chalet possible, you are a great leader indeed, no doubt. Nevertheless you are a very great brother I had too, thanks for all the chit chat moments and stuff like that.
Jing Ren: Haha~~ sorry brother for tricking you and make you drunk during the BBQ night. Anyway, its a very fun chalet with you around, and I have to make this loud and clear!
Shawn: Yo man, thanks for teaching me how to play the Qing Tian and Qi Li Xiang, though I had not really master it but I will still thank you from the deepest of my heart. Anyway, its fun to have you around in the chalet and also as my brother.
Nigel: How do you enjoy the royal rumble my brother? Haha~~ thanks for the BBQ food and all the breakfast and dinners you had prepared for us. really appreciate everything you had done for the chalet.
Derrick: YO brother, you had changed, this year you are more on and more steady. KEEP IT UP~~ brothers forever
Yi Qi: yeah shi mu, I do feels great to have you at the chalet. Thanks for making me your wife during the disco night.. wah.. argh.. nevermind.. haha. take care, hope to see you more...
Sueh Li: yo yo renes, you clubbed do yo?? haha~~ you dance real well, hope one day we all can go to club togethe, provided we got the cash..HAHA.. sorry pratical me. Anyway, you take care and if there is any problem, do come and find us, cause you are our sister and we are your brothers and sisters, your problem will be lawfully our problem ;)
Ferlyn: hey potential star, my N~Zire Sister. Thanks for the games you and nicklaus had prepared for us, it was fun. And don't take it by heart when i immitate you, HAHA~~ " AIYORR" take care....
Nicklaus: hey, Nigel's brother. You are more than meets the eye to me, initially thought you are someone who takes a long time to click with us, but who knows you are so hyper active in the chalet. Welcome Nicklaus to N~ZiRe, your presence will ensure the forever happiness in N~ZiRe. And last but not least, thanks for the game you and Ferlyn had prepared for us, its was real fun.
Overall, I feel great at the chalet
That was the fun holiday i had. Back from chalet, I am already dead meat. Friday, all the brothers went out again to have dinner and torn at shawn house to watch movie. Thanks to Shawn, some people thought we are gays. The scene goes like this....( not exact, base on memory)
We entered the lift and another guy came it
Shao Cheng: Which floor??
The guy press himself and smile to us.
Honsonn: hey later cannot sleep lea, sleep liao we how?
Shawn: Nevermind la, you all can sleep in my room at 3am ma.
Then that stupid guy turn around, turn back and laugh to himself..
What the hell, a few guys together means gay ar? we are all man, more man than you think we are.. lolz...
Anyway, they were all talking about their love life, we are all a bunch of poor bachelor, hoping to find a new girlfriend. Haiz.. actually i am against the odd, and I don't know why..
I guess I got to stop here, its getting late. .will be back soon.
Monday, December 11, 2006
11 december 2006, monday. Suppose to be a holiday, but its not really an holiday.. haiz.........
Had a whole day judo training today. I was very tired at the start of the training, early in the morning 10 am. NOT ENOUGH SLEEP. The warm-up was tough and I almost puked due to empty stomach and NOT ENOUGH SLEEP... The lunch was cool, ate with my fellow judo-kas ; Kelvin, HK, Micheal, Yin Chun, my captain Melissa and my trainer Jun Yi.They were all talking about the last time they went to pub together where Kelvin got drunk, HAAh.. it was intresting anyway. After which, we carried on training. Training on fusion throws and a short rendori; I didn't join in was resting like mad at a corner. Suppose to train till 7 p.m. but due to some screwing up by the upper management who forgot to book the room for us thus in the end we are being drived out of the room by Akido students. LOL and I tell you their attitude is like "..." The cllub moved to cafe 155 in our school basement and discussed our open house event. Then we are done by 7 pm just nice and headed off the causeway point for a dinner.
Somehow I find myself have this increasing passion and ablities towards marketing.. The passion was strong for me... And some instincts tell me that I belong to a marketing profesional.. hah.. some instinct....Anyway, people are asking me why I quited Student Ambassadors, some ask for fun some ask because they are there.. Alright once and for all, the reason as followed:
1. Time consuming, need to much commitment
2. Result sliding got to take note!
3. Style of working and socialising different
4. declining interest..
I was hearing some problems on relationship from one of my friend. hmmm.. what is love?? which makes everyone go round and round?? anyway; getting to understand how it feels to have no love but I am so controlling myself not to love..... Because I have much more important thing to fulfill before love...
Thoughts:Life is like a journey around the world, where all kinds of thing stands in your discovery.
Had a whole day judo training today. I was very tired at the start of the training, early in the morning 10 am. NOT ENOUGH SLEEP. The warm-up was tough and I almost puked due to empty stomach and NOT ENOUGH SLEEP... The lunch was cool, ate with my fellow judo-kas ; Kelvin, HK, Micheal, Yin Chun, my captain Melissa and my trainer Jun Yi.They were all talking about the last time they went to pub together where Kelvin got drunk, HAAh.. it was intresting anyway. After which, we carried on training. Training on fusion throws and a short rendori; I didn't join in was resting like mad at a corner. Suppose to train till 7 p.m. but due to some screwing up by the upper management who forgot to book the room for us thus in the end we are being drived out of the room by Akido students. LOL and I tell you their attitude is like "..." The cllub moved to cafe 155 in our school basement and discussed our open house event. Then we are done by 7 pm just nice and headed off the causeway point for a dinner.
Somehow I find myself have this increasing passion and ablities towards marketing.. The passion was strong for me... And some instincts tell me that I belong to a marketing profesional.. hah.. some instinct....Anyway, people are asking me why I quited Student Ambassadors, some ask for fun some ask because they are there.. Alright once and for all, the reason as followed:
1. Time consuming, need to much commitment
2. Result sliding got to take note!
3. Style of working and socialising different
4. declining interest..
I was hearing some problems on relationship from one of my friend. hmmm.. what is love?? which makes everyone go round and round?? anyway; getting to understand how it feels to have no love but I am so controlling myself not to love..... Because I have much more important thing to fulfill before love...
Thoughts:Life is like a journey around the world, where all kinds of thing stands in your discovery.
Friday, December 08, 2006
08 december 2006, Friday... Back from Young Aspirer camp and first day of real holiday.
The first 2 days of the week was school as usual, just school and school and school. Till tuesday when the holiday officially came.
From 06 december to 08 december, I am in the young aspirer camp. I will hold the details for now as the pictures are not here yet. Will do the updating later.
Anyway, i am not taking electives next year first semester. These are the following reasons
1. I am not sure if I can cope with my mandatory IT modules
2. I don't want to endanger my mental heath
3. I want to have ambient time for leisure and sleep
4. I would like to focus on CE activities and Professional profilling for the incoming semester.
5. Not prepare to go head on with seniors.
But nevertheless I am not putting out the possiblity that I might take it up next year semester 2.
The first 2 days of the week was school as usual, just school and school and school. Till tuesday when the holiday officially came.
From 06 december to 08 december, I am in the young aspirer camp. I will hold the details for now as the pictures are not here yet. Will do the updating later.
Anyway, i am not taking electives next year first semester. These are the following reasons
1. I am not sure if I can cope with my mandatory IT modules
2. I don't want to endanger my mental heath
3. I want to have ambient time for leisure and sleep
4. I would like to focus on CE activities and Professional profilling for the incoming semester.
5. Not prepare to go head on with seniors.
But nevertheless I am not putting out the possiblity that I might take it up next year semester 2.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
03 december 2006, sunday. Into the last month of the year, what a year, time travels faster than light do... The past week was tiring, thus it explains the absence in entries after monday.
Like I say on monday , 27 november 2006, tuesday is going to be a picture-ful day. It was Culture module that day, my team and I decided to go to esplanade to take pictures of its fine and splendid architecture. yup, it was about architectre that day, one of my favourite day. Anyway, I won't forget my reply to my faciltators question.
Facilitator: Who you think are likely to be involved in the design of a building?
Me: Architects, designers....hmmm, Bob? Alright here are the pictures taken on that day, credits to Khadijah and me, we are holding to the cameras.
It was anyway a very enjoyable journey with my teammates, from left after me in the picture above. Khadijah,Wang Lei, Li Fen and Willie. And that was tuesday
Wednesday was nothing, just school and home. Friday was a day out with N~zire as usual, it is official our family day.
Tuesday and thursday, was a real training for my grading. I manage to catch up despite the irregular attendance by me. Anyway, it was kind of unsuccessful during the grading. I think I passed, but it wasn't very commendable; my throws"Nagewaza" and groundworks"newaza" are good, but my breakfalls are screwing, but it was due to uncertainy to the instruction. Anyway, really hope I pass. After these, I will be yellow tip belt, congrats to Kelvin Foo who got a double promotion, wishes to be like him.
Actually that is some big events I have for the past week. The real big day is today...
It's Derrick's Birthday today, as member of N~zire, he will have this special birthday celebration with his brothers(us). After all the attendance are as followed: Honsonn, Ferlyn,Shawn,Don,Jing Ren, Derrick(of course he has to be there) and me. After two weeks, finally we have this attendace. It was a pretty fun day, singing, joking. Derrick parents are kind to us, bought mac for us and his father treated us beer..haha.. that was great. Lets just see some of the pictures taken during the day...

The cake....
That is all for the day.....
Holy gracious me, I have not choose my path for year 2 semester one.. er.. to take electives or not to take???? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Like I say on monday , 27 november 2006, tuesday is going to be a picture-ful day. It was Culture module that day, my team and I decided to go to esplanade to take pictures of its fine and splendid architecture. yup, it was about architectre that day, one of my favourite day. Anyway, I won't forget my reply to my faciltators question.
Facilitator: Who you think are likely to be involved in the design of a building?
Me: Architects, designers....hmmm, Bob? Alright here are the pictures taken on that day, credits to Khadijah and me, we are holding to the cameras.
Going down....
Wednesday was nothing, just school and home. Friday was a day out with N~zire as usual, it is official our family day.
Tuesday and thursday, was a real training for my grading. I manage to catch up despite the irregular attendance by me. Anyway, it was kind of unsuccessful during the grading. I think I passed, but it wasn't very commendable; my throws"Nagewaza" and groundworks"newaza" are good, but my breakfalls are screwing, but it was due to uncertainy to the instruction. Anyway, really hope I pass. After these, I will be yellow tip belt, congrats to Kelvin Foo who got a double promotion, wishes to be like him.
Actually that is some big events I have for the past week. The real big day is today...
It's Derrick's Birthday today, as member of N~zire, he will have this special birthday celebration with his brothers(us). After all the attendance are as followed: Honsonn, Ferlyn,Shawn,Don,Jing Ren, Derrick(of course he has to be there) and me. After two weeks, finally we have this attendace. It was a pretty fun day, singing, joking. Derrick parents are kind to us, bought mac for us and his father treated us beer..haha.. that was great. Lets just see some of the pictures taken during the day...
From left: me, Honsonn and Jing Ren
The cake....
Holy gracious me, I have not choose my path for year 2 semester one.. er.. to take electives or not to take???? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
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